low back pain

Your Foundational Core

Your core is made up of the groups of muscles that provide stability in the abdominal and lower back regions. It includes your abs and the deep muscles that surround and support your spine. These muscles also coordinate the movement of your arms, legs, and spine. Ideally, your core and low back work together in a balance of strength and flexibility. A lack of flexibility or strength in your core can contribute to low back pain.

Strengthening your core muscles can help your endurance, improve your posture, and take the pressure off your low back. Having strong core muscles makes it less likely that you will suffer back pain and can give you better balance. Everything you do in daily life or during a workout will be easier if you have a strong and flexible core. It's the centerpiece of all body movement.

  • A strong and flexible core can help improve your posture, balance, and reduce your risk of experiencing back pain.

  • When your core muscles contract, they stabilize your spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle to create a solid foundation for movement.

  • Weak core muscles can alter your posture and spinal curves which often leads to back pain.

There are a million ways to work your core. So how can you decide what's best? Just ask us! We are happy to provide you with some of our favorite core strengthening exercises to fit your activity level and health goals. Some of the most efficient core exercises don't require any additional equipment, just the desire to improve your health with better strength and flexibility.

Fixing Low Back Pain

Restrictions and limited mobility of your lower back may be causing your pain. If your low back doesn't have a full range of motion, then you are setting it up for future injuries. Bending forward and back (flexion/extension), side bending (lateral bend), and turning side to side (rotation) are the three movements that make up a full range of motion. You have to use it, or you'll lose it. Neglecting your lower back and not actively improving and maintaining a full range of motion can cause restrictions, deconditioning and increase your chance of injury.

The care given in our practice is specifically designed to address both aspects of improving your range of motion, segmental, and global. That means our chiropractic adjustments work the specific joints of your spine that are "stuck" or restricted. This begins the process of improving your range of motion and often provides quick relief from pain. The next steps are to improve the overall, or global, range of motion. This is where we may recommend at-home stretches, specific exercise, or even periodic adjustments to help continue your progress and hopefully keep you pain-free in the future.

  • Limited range of motion in your low back can lead to a combination of shortened and weakened muscles that increase your risk of injury.

  • Chiropractic care provides relief by improving the motion of your facet joints and limiting the pain signals traveling through your central nervous system.

  • At-home stretching, daily exercise, and even periodic chiropractic adjustments are all ways you can take a proactive approach to stay pain-free.

If your low back is de-conditioned and limited in its mobility, you likely have a combination of shortened and weakened core muscles that are over-stressed and causing pain. Our practice is focused on helping you decrease pain, improve your mobility, and live a healthier life. The first step is to give us a call and let us help you get back in motion.